
Tuesday 8 April 2014

.I ...» share the Gospel

በወንጌል ስራ ማኅበርተኛ ይሆኑ ዘንድ።

ይህ ወንድማችን ልጅ ኤልያስ ይሰሃቅ የወንጌልን በጎ የድል ዜና ለማሰራጨት በግሉ እና ከተለያዩ ቤተስኪያኖች ጋር በማበር የሚያደርገውን መንፈሳዊ የወንጌል ሂደት በማገዝ እኔም በወንጌል ስራ ማኅበርተኛ እሆናለሁ።

ጌታ ይመስገን።

I share* the Great Glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ

  • ü  I am saved by the Message of the Gospel.
  • ü  If ...I ...»Preach the gospel,  and someone ...»Hears and «Believes.»..., that person will also be \Saved/ just like \me/&\you/ and escapes from eternal destruction. That person who believes in Christ Jesus enters Heaven, and gives \./Praise to the Lord for evermore.
  • ü  When a person repents (returns his heart to God) , it creates  Great Joy in Heaven , brings Great Glory to God and great happiness here with us on earth.
  • ü  It is a commandment. Jesus Christ The Son of God The Mayor of Heaven specifically and clearly commanded us to go to all the world and –not make money or get married - but preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God.(While you do/support  the works of the Government of God, you can do those things as well, no problem, they should not just be priority.)

Glory to God.